Types of Rainforest Marble
Rainforest Green Marble name is derived from original Rainforest itself. When you think about this marble some forest with dark green veins with light green background emergs in our mind. Its also known as Bidaser green which depicts the name of the place from where this marble quarried. Rainforest Marble Supplier Bidaser city is located in Rajasthan state of north India. Almost 20 to 30 quarries are working in bidaser area and every pit of the quarry produced various shades and texture of rainforest green marble.

All these 3 patterns are suitable for outside flooring, bathroom, wall cladding etc.
We Fortuna Marmo Granite specialized in Rainforest Marble . We cutting random slabs 2 cm and 3 cm thickness with custom sizes of tiles.
Being consist with dark and fade green texture make this stone exotic look. Rainforest Marble Its beauty enhance by the look of tree branches and make natural view in your bathroom wall cladding. Just not only its considerable for bathroom and was areas but this marble is preferred for tea tables in gardens near to swimming pool. Some restaurants prefer to use this marble as Counters and Table tops to give Forest theme to their restaurants.
Slab Sizes
Following are the sizes we are specialized with this Marble.
Gangsaw Size
280 x 180 cm up (2 cm to 8 cm thick)
Small Size
250 x 70 cm up (2 cm to 5 cm thick)
Tiles Sizes
605 x 305 x 10 mm / 12 mm
305 x 305 x 10 mm / 12 mm
600 x 600 x 20 mm
600 x 300 x 20 mm
Types of Rainforest Finishing
Moreover their are few finish which are very popular to use with Rainforest marble , so of them are
Leather Finish
Laptura Finish
Antique Finish